LearnPoint Gallery

Immerse yourself in the captivating world of LearnPoint! This gallery showcases stunning HD renderings of our animated backgrounds and characters, bringing our interactive learning experiences to life.

animated group of characters standing next to each other: orange cat in purple top hat, a blue humanoid character with orange and yellow hair and round glasses, and a tall man in denim jacket who is wearing round glasses
animated group of characters standing next to each other: orange cat in purple top hat, a blue humanoid character with orange and yellow hair and round glasses, and a tall man in denim jacket who is wearing round glasses
animated group of characters standing next to each other: orange cat in purple top hat, a blue humanoid character with orange and yellow hair and round glasses, and a tall man in denim jacket who is wearing round glasses
3d animation of a forest and bridge
3d animation of a forest and dirt trail
3d animation of a forest and open field
rough sketch of a young man adventurer
colorized drawing of a young man adventurer
3d rendering of young boy wearing letter A next to an exploration vehicle
rough sketch of a young girl in a chef outfit holding a cake
colorized drawing of a young girl with purple hair in a chef outfit
3d rendering of a young girl wearing clothing with the letter B on it next to a convertable car
rough sketch of a young boy wearing painters clothing
colorized drawing of a young boy wearing painters clothing
3d rendering of a young boy wearing clothing with the letter c standing by a VW Van
colorized drawing of a young boy a hoodie and beanie hat
3d rendering of a young boy wearing clothing with the letter c standing by a truck
hand drawn character with blue skin, orange hair, and large round glasses
hand-drawn group of characters standing next to each other: orange cat in purple top hat, a blue humanoid character with orange and yellow hair and round glasses, and a tall man in denim jacket who is wearing round glasses
hand drawn character with blue skin, orange hair, and large round glasses
hand drawn character with blue skin, orange hair, and large round glasses
hand drawn character with blue skin, orange hair, and large round glasses
hand drawn character with blue skin, orange hair, and large round glasses
animation story board showing a cat in a hat slipping on a mat
animation story board showing a big pig digging a hole
animation story board showing a frog sitting on a log in fog
animation story board showing a man and child running in the sun having fun
animation story board showing a child-like-character riding in a red sled down a snowy hill
3d renderings of merchandise such as a lunch box and toy doll
Video still of a choreographer/danger mid spin in the air
man in white standing in front of green screen with a camer in front of him
man in white standing in front of green screen with a camer in front of him
Man in ballcap reading out of a story book
Man in ballcap speaking to a young girl with a floral dress
man sitting on a stool, reading to a group of kids, and a parent, sitting on a blanket watching him
man sitting on a stool, reading to a group of kids, and a parent, sitting on a blanket watching him

Immerse yourself in the captivating world of LearnPoint! This gallery showcases stunning HD renderings of our animated backgrounds and characters, bringing our interactive learning experiences to life.

animated group of characters standing next to each other: orange cat in purple top hat, a blue humanoid character with orange and yellow hair and round glasses, and a tall man in denim jacket who is wearing round glasses
animated group of characters standing next to each other: orange cat in purple top hat, a blue humanoid character with orange and yellow hair and round glasses, and a tall man in denim jacket who is wearing round glasses
animated group of characters standing next to each other: orange cat in purple top hat, a blue humanoid character with orange and yellow hair and round glasses, and a tall man in denim jacket who is wearing round glasses
3d animation of a forest and bridge
3d animation of a forest and dirt trail
3d animation of a forest and open field
rough sketch of a young man adventurer
colorized drawing of a young man adventurer
3d rendering of a young boy wearing letter A next to an exploration vehicle
rough sketch of a young girl in a chef outfit holding a cake
colorized drawing of a young girl with purple hair in a chef outfit
3d rendering of a young girl wearing clothing with the letter B on it next to a convertable car
rough sketch of a young boy wearing painters clothing
colorized drawing of a young boy wearing painters clothing
3d rendering of a young boy wearing clothing with the letter c standing by a VW Van
colorized drawing of a young boy a hoodie and beanie hat
3d rendering of a young boy wearing clothing with the letter c standing by a truck
hand drawn character with blue skin, orange hair, and large round glasses
hand-drawn group of characters standing next to each other: orange cat in purple top hat, a blue humanoid character with orange and yellow hair and round glasses, and a tall man in denim jacket who is wearing round glasses
hand drawn character with blue skin, orange hair, and large round glasses
hand drawn character with blue skin, orange hair, and large round glasses
hand drawn character with blue skin, orange hair, and large round glasses
hand drawn character with blue skin, orange hair, and large round glasses
animation story board showing a cat in a hat slipping on a mat
animation story board showing a big pig digging a hole
animation story board showing a frog sitting on a log in fog
animation story board showing a man and child running in the sun having fun
animation story board showing a child-like-character riding in a red sled down a snowy hill
3d renderings of merchandise such as a lunch box and toy doll
Video still of a choreographer/danger mid spin in the air
man in white standing in front of green screen with a camer in front of him
man in white standing in front of green screen with a camer in front of him
Man in ballcap reading out of a story book
Man in ballcap speaking to a young girl with a floral dress
man sitting on a stool, reading to a group of kids, and a parent, sitting on a blanket watching him
man sitting on a stool, reading to a group of kids, and a parent, sitting on a blanket watching him
simple vector, white learn point logo

LearnPoint © Copyright 2025
All Rights Reserved
Site by
Fusion Design Group, Ltd.
Privacy Policy

simple vector, white learn point logo

LearnPoint © Copyright 2025
All Rights Reserved
Site by
Fusion Design Group, Ltd.
Privacy Policy